What Bluetooth Low Energy means for the IoT maker community
Connecting your microcontrollers to the internet
There are alot of wireless standards aiming at lower-than-wifi power, zigbee, zwave, enotion to name a bunch,
but none of them have wide consumers application, making it difficult for us hackers and makers to play with them.
Like me, Bluetooth Low Energy came out of Nokia, an important innovator in mobile wireless technology.
It was renamed from Wibree to Bluetooth 4.0 when it was handed over to the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG),
which enabled it to follow in the footsteps of the popular bluetooth standard, despite being a totally different thing.
Designed from the ground up for super low battery consumption, it has successfuly made the bridge between
high end mobile phones and super low power gadgets. For us IoT folks, this means we have an enormously powerful
technology that enables us to connect our tiny gadgets to powerful...